Explore our expertly curated hubs, which bring together data, insights and tools on the most challenging and pressing global health topics.

The Investment Landscape Hub
Powered by G-FINDER, this hub is your go-to resource for data and analysis on the funding landscape for global health R&D. This is where you'll find all the G-FINDER reports across neglected disease, emerging infectious diseases and sexual & reproductive health.

The Impact of Global Health R&D Hub
In breakthrough work, we analyse the impact of global health R&D, showing the return on investment in health and economic terms for the first time. We look at the gamechangers over the last two decades and model the future returns of health innovations which transform the health and economic outlook for vulnerable populations.
Women's Health Hub
Biological sex differences and gender dimensions in clinical R&D continue to be sidelined. As a result, many biomedical products are either sub-optimal for use in half the population, or entirely lacking. This hub collects the data and analysis to shift policy agendas, budgets, and priority setting to spark innovation in women’s health.

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Report Library
We are a diverse, expert and impartial group who collate and analyse data on global health funding and the innovation pipeline. Our reports help find health consensus and insights using the evidence collected through G-FINDER and over two decades of independent analysis

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Disease and condition
Uncover new data, insights and analysis on some of the world's most neglected or underrepresented global health areas, and investigate some of the innovative R&D pipelines in important areas of health impact.